Depositors in LevelQ vault can stake their LP token into the vault respective gauge. Gauge are staking pools for the LP token of LevelQ vault. Gauge get an allocation of LVLQ reward emission based on voting weight that veLVLQ holders vote on/change every 4 weeks. The total amount of reward to be distributed per epoch is decided by the team at first and then by the DAO governance which depend on the % APR reward to distribute across gauges. The gauge weights are updated every 4 weeks. To earn gauge reward you only need to stake the vault LP token without needing to hold veLVLQ. However holding veLVLQ on top of depositing LP in gauge enables users to earn boosting rewards.
LevelQ gauge system enable integration into other veToken model type protocols like Convex, HiddenHand, Votium and more. It also enables protocols to aggregate their users voting power to vote for their respective gauge, aligning interest of all stakeholders involved.
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